Remit and Structure of the Sussex Spires Governing Board
The Governors of the Sussex Spires Federation have an overall responsibility for the strategic management for the schools within the federation and for determining its aims, objectives and policies.
The Governing Body is made up of:
· Parent Governors - Parents or Carers of children registered at the school (2)
· Foundation Governors - Representatives of the Church of England (7)
· LA Governors - Appointed by the Local Authority (1)
· The Executive Headteacher ex officio (1)
· Staff Governors - Members of the school teaching or support staff (1)
· Co-opted Governors (2)
· Associate Governors (currently 3 who have no voting rights)
Working with the Executive Headteacher we set and monitor the school budget, the School Development Plan, curriculum targets, and other Initiatives. As well as meeting eight times per year, we also undertake regular monitoring visits to both schools. In addition, we have pay and appeals committees and an Ethos group to develop the Christian distinctiveness of our schools. Through our work we discharge the core functions of school governance. These are:
to ensure clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
to hold the executive headteacher to account for the educational performance of both schools and the pupils; and
to oversee the financial performance of the schools and to make sure their money is well spent,
If you have any questions regarding the work of our Governing Board, please contact the Clerk to Governors, Mrs Claire Ball via and she will endeavour to respond to you as soon as possible.
Nigel English
Chair of Governors
Sussex Spires Federation
(Herstmonceux Church of England Primary School, & All Saints’ & St Richard’s Church of England Primary School)